
As your media consultant KROISOS

has a sound knowledge of the media world in German-speaking countries. Our experienced founders have worked for leading business and financial papers and magazines in this region. The newspapers were such as “DAS WERTPAPIER” and “Handelsblatt”. International KROISOS closely works with the media company AlphaBulls Media Inc. together. Our colleagues would feel honored to share with potential clients their long publication list. For example, you will find the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung”, “Börsenzeitung” or “Handelsblatt” on it. All are internationally well-known press products. 


Only The Kroisos Newsleaf received permission, in the office of Robert “Bob” Zoellick, president of the World Bank, to take pictures about his meeting with the Dirk Niebel (FDP), German Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development. Photo: ©Dr. Andreas Gulya


However, KROISOS can impact the public positively for its clients. To achieve this, KROISOS offers alternative and detailed media strategies. Within a short time period, it will put together for your specific needs knowledge pools.

Hardly any company can rely on commercials. So KROISOS designs your advertising in the classic mass communication, the Internet, and social media platforms. Hence, effective advertising on the top level will help you to conquer new markets. An adequate marketing strategy will support your product sales, as well as to launch new companies. This applies to products as well as to launch new companies.

Furthermore, KROISOS is a trusted partner referring to public and investor relationships. Ready for take-off to guarantee you a satisfying public and happy investors. It is always helpful to have the information, who should you contact in the press for your customary concerns. Therefore, KROISOS will also set up and cultivate media contact pools for your targets.

Last but not least

Notice, Kroisos can elaborate promotional campaigns for companies as well and products.



Eintracht TV Frankfurt advertises with Beduine Anna. Photo: ©Birtukan Aman Hussien PS: If you want to know more about Beduine Anna, then click on the pic.